Midge Lane


Couple Relationships

Wired for Love, by Stan Tatkin

Intimacy & Desire by David Schnarch
This 2009 book builds on the innovative thinking behind his earlier Passionate Marriage. Sexual desire problems are normalized and better understood, thanks to the latest in brain scans and exploration of the complexities of self development. Schnarch's case examples reveal the potential for personal and relationship growth by giving the right attention to problems of sexual desire in long-term committed relationships.


This excellent website includes screening tests for sexual addiction, internet sexual addiction, and love addiction. There’s also a good section of recommended reading on several subjects.


The Whole-Brain Child, by Daniel Siegel, MD and Tina Payne Bryson, PhD

NurtureShock: New thinking about children, by Po Bronson

The Bully, the Bullied and the Bystander, by Barbara Coloroso

We Generation: raising socially responsible children, by Michael Ungar

Hold On to Your Kids: why parents need to matter more than peers by Gordon Neufeld.
This author reminds us of our children’s ongoing relational needs and that parents are the best ones to meet these needs.


This is a good site for healing professionals and for survivors of trauma. Click on 'trauma model' for a good explanation of our trauma survival system and some of the prices we pay for survival.